Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Home Tour

Ever since I moved out of my parent's house 
at the ripe age of 18, I've lived in 5 different houses or apartments.
I'm 24. 
That's a lot of moving. 
One thing that I didn't do was take photos of the homes that I've lived in. 
Are we sensing a theme here when it comes to taking photos? I suck at taking them, period.
Now Adam and I live in an apartment, and it's been over 3 years! A record for us.
I finally took some photos of it. 
To remember what it looked like when we move to yet another place.

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Is Adam Doing?

I was a bit concerned when I saw this the other day.

It's what you would normally see if  you were on a computer. Nothing too crazy here, folks!

But.........isn't it on you computer, you ask?
No. No is my answer.

It's our television.

The man who is responsible for this madness!

I guess we will be making our t.v. into a kick-ass computer monitor. I have no complaints about this.

Nora doesn't mind this, either.

Friday, June 15, 2012


It's not often anymore when I can be with all of my siblings at the same time.
It's a real treat when we can.
Aren't they cute?

Oh, and my sister's boyfriend. Mustn't forget him!
He's the one with the beard.

(Easter, 2011)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Rituals

I've always been a creature of habit.
It's comforting to have the same rituals every day,
it makes me feel calm and it always gives me something to look forward to. 
This summer has started with a ritual that I've come to love. 
Now, I always (always, always, ALWAYS) have my coffee when I wake up.
Not having it means that I'm either dead or near death.
 But, there are days when it feels rushed.
I quickly dump grounds in the french press,
 and let it steep for the minimum amount of time,
and slurp it without burning my mouth. 

It's a stressful way to start the day.

the weather has been beautiful,
and I've come to take advantage of my balcony
 by sitting down and sipping my coffee
while trying to keep my cats from falling off the ledge. 
The cat part makes it more tense, but also very hilarious.
I also have been adding sweetened condensed milk to the coffee,
to add the sweet with the dairy that I enjoy.

Yummy, yummy.

Here are some photos of a nice morning beginning.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kitchens, kitchens!

I'm sensing a trend with home decor.

It's about kitchens. It's what I seem to gravitate towards, I can't help it!

Pinned Image

I know it's a big ass picture, but I love it, so I need to make it as huge as possible.

(image via Country Living)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Date Day!

I haven't done a Date Day post in a long time!
Well, we have one every Monday, and we switch off on who is taking charge. 
This week was Adam's turn.

We started off with having lunch at Olive Garden. I used to not enjoy this place, because I didn't like any of the dishes! That is a way to turn you off to a restaurant. The food isn't terrible, but I always found the pasta overcooked, and it seemed you paid more than what you should. 

But now I don't mind the good ol' Garden. I have found a dish that I love, every time! 
The standard Soup and Salad. Zuppa Toscana, please!
Adam usually has the Spaghetti and Meatballs, but today, he felt risky. He went with Cheesy Penne, Peppers and Sausage. He definitely enjoyed it!

After lunch, we went to the new movie out, Prometheus.
I really liked it! I have only seen the first Alien movie, and I think I only saw it once. Which means, I don't remember a damn thing about what happens. I was worried that I might not be able to appreciate this movie, since I didn't remember the first movie, and haven't seen the others in the Alien franchise. 
I didn't have to worry, it was excellent!
Adam lost feeling in one hand from my iron grip, but he says that he'll live. 

A good date day. I need to remember to take some pictures!

I'm not improving on that, am I?


Monday, June 11, 2012


Adam and I had friends over this week. For dinner and drinks, even!
We don't do that often.
We were excited.

I made pizza for our food, and a good time was had by all.
Abby and her hubby are good people.
(By the way, her blog is fantastic, you should check it out!)

This household has been on such a pizza kick lately.
 I've lost count on how many times I've made it in the last two weeks. 
It's just so simple to prepare, and in only 20 minutes, you've got a delicious meal that speaks to your inner child.
It couldn't be easier!

I usually make pizza the same way every time: half pepperoni (Adam) and half margherita (Hannah). 
It's hard to improve on perfection, but last night, I wanted to experiment. 
I was ready to go wild!
It was necessary to use up what I had in my fridge 
(story of my cooking life, I really need to plan meals better so I don't have food so close to peril). 
The only ingredients I had to work with were: 
onion, mozzarella, and parmesan.

Oh My God.

I don't know if I can eat pizza the same way again. I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but this was absolutely scrumptious. 
I made sure to caramelize the onion, and I just added some slices of mozzarella and sprinkled the parmesan. You can't call it a recipe really. 
Just awesomeness in your mouth.

Sorry about the bad photo. I made this damn near midnight, so there was no light to speak of.

Now, go and eat some pizza. 
Respect the art form.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I've never really had a hairstyle. 
One that I keep going back to, or a color that I just can't live without. I haven't gone back to one particular stylist ever. 
I can't make up my mind. I want something that looks good, but with hardly any effort. 
Does that exist?
I'm trying to grow my hair out. I know that every girl says that, but for me, I really mean it. I've had shorter hair for a long time, and it just feels right to try and commit to something.
I also started biting my nails again, so there's that. 
But, no fear, I will commit to long(ish) hair. I really will.
But I need to figure out what the hell I want it to look like. 
I think this might be a place to start.
Note: this is NOT me. I'm sure that it would confuse you if I didn't say that, but don't worry, I'm here to help.

Cute, right?!
I WILL make it through this. I must.

(photo, I have no idea where the hell I got this. I had it saved on my computer from 2008. Yeah, 2008.)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This Is Gross

I decided that my vacuum needed a good clean. Or maybe I mean "unclogging".
Yeah, that last one.
It definitely needed it.
Like, it should have been done a LONG time ago.

My pants and carpet really needed a good scrub after that.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Homes

Oh the internet, what would I do without you. So much inspiration!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pretty Things....

I stumbled upon this recently. Oh goodness. I love this so much!

The Peacekeeper Shirt (organic hemp/cotton )

Isn't it pretty?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Yes, Please!

I would totally get this. If I had more money, and if I had a yard. 

Small details.

(image via this place!)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm Such A Cry Baby

                                           Maybe it's not well known, but I really am a cry baby. 
      I cry at commercials, if the mood hits. 
I'm very sappy.
Soldiers coming home and surprising their families? Oh God, don't get me started. Tears will be flowing. 
Wedding proposals? Tissues better be close.
Cute animals? 
Yup, even those. 

So, I wasn't surprised when this video got to me. It really did. This little boy just rockin' the 400 meter race, his wonderful gym teacher and his encouraging and kind classmates. 
It's all there.