I haven't done a Date Day post in a long time!
Well, we have one every Monday, and we switch off on who is taking charge.
This week was Adam's turn.
We started off with having lunch at
Olive Garden. I used to not enjoy this place, because I didn't like any of the dishes! That is a way to turn you off to a restaurant. The food isn't terrible, but I always found the pasta overcooked, and it seemed you paid more than what you should.
But now I don't mind the good ol' Garden. I have found a dish that I love, every time!
The standard Soup and Salad. Zuppa Toscana, please!
Adam usually has the Spaghetti and Meatballs, but today, he felt risky. He went with Cheesy Penne, Peppers and Sausage. He definitely enjoyed it!
After lunch, we went to the new movie out,
I really liked it! I have only seen the first Alien movie, and I think I only saw it once. Which means, I don't remember a damn thing about what happens. I was worried that I might not be able to appreciate this movie, since I didn't remember the first movie, and haven't seen the others in the Alien franchise.
I didn't have to worry, it was excellent!
Adam lost feeling in one hand from my iron grip, but he says that he'll live.
A good date day. I need to remember to take some pictures!
I'm not improving on that, am I?